end of our century is dominated by the methods of communications
which practically suppress painting as communication media. Visual
perception of the world. The methods of transmission of this perception
are based on technical instrument, his personality and perception
of the world are not limited by any technical device, and he selects
the methods of expression to gain the wholeness of his language.
The value of information of an artist lies in the simplicity and
clarity of this language. Color, drawing, composition build up definite
picture of the world. Looking at the heritage of visual art, we
see the endless repetitions and definite system of interpretation
of this world in which the author was immersed. In our time when
the process of creation has acquired its own value, there is the
problem of choice between the information into which the author
is immersed and his inner world. The inner world develops according
to its own laws, speaks its own language and creates the way of
expression the end results of which is a painting. And you are free
either to like or dislike this painting. But what the painting means
or what the painting is are not so important, partly because the
very process of knowing of "means" and "is" is endless. And if the
painting works as a whole, its space causes certain sense of harmony
and beauty which we may see in and learn from Nature and which is
absolute in all its moods and forms, sincere and true.
The creative process, the way
it develops, the very material of painting in its classical canvas
- paint - brush form, the technique of execution till the very last
touch of brush with which the painting begins to live and breath,
constitute the unseparable whole and have the right to exist in
our time when human beings live in artificial synthetic environment.
And we may accept the fact of existence of painting as the fact
of a letter sent by one human being to another.
Aslangery Uyanayev
the 19th century van Gogh painted the Sun, in the 20th century Malevich
discovered the Black Square…
November, end of the year 2000.
Model of painting. Proportions and scale of space, placed in one
square meter format, raise no doubts. The object is in the state
of equilibrium. Impulse is the conflict. Square represents environment.
Conventional units are figures and numbers. Meaning of zero - sign
of the Sun and Light. The quantity of warm or yellow color signifies
plus for the unit of matter represented by the black paint and having
"minus" meaning. Half-tints, thickness, warmness and coldness of
color, the red, the green, the blue etc. The meaning is power-richness
of the form. The painting is alive. The author is curious to explore
the world in which as well as in the structure of computer thinking
the yellow is equal to the black.
Aslangery Uyanayev